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Substance Use

Learn More About Prevention Education:

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Changing Perceptions Changes Reality

Why do norms matter?  How do misperceptions about norms influence teens' decision making?  What happens when communities are consistently exposed to positive, data based messages about ACTUAL youth norms?   Something remarkable. 

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E-Cigarette or Vaping Visual Dictionary 

Informative pamphlet published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) with helpful information for educators, public health, parents and caring adults about the evolution of vaping devices and substances.  


Vaping 101

What is vaping? What are the risks? Everything you need to know!

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Talking To Kids About Vaping

Know the facts. Learn about e-cigarettes and young people before you start the conversation with your child.

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Vaping Cessation Resources

Looking for resources?  Here are three of many treatment options available for teens. We offer these with the understanding that all choices are for the teen and family to make together. When making choices about treatment options please consider consulting your pediatrician.

Image by Mathew MacQuarrie

The New Look Of Nicotine Addiction

Talk with your kids about the dangers of vaping.

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Vaping and Disease Risk:  What does the data tell us?

Many e-cigarette users are under the misconception that when they vape, they are merely inhaling flavored water vapor. Contrarily, information from the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), shows that the chemicals from e-cigarette liquids and their aerosols are directly and indirectly associated with diseases.


E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults

A report of the Surgeon General.

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Talk With Your Teen About E-Cigarettes

Know the facts. Be patient and ready to listen. Set a positive example by being tobacco free.

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Vaping & Nicotine Addiction.

Underage Drinking

Underage Drinking

What every parent needs to know.

Image by Susan Holt Simpson

Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit

Facts for Community Members. Five Essential Steps for First. Responders Information for Prescribers. Safety Advice for Patients & Family Members Recovering From Opioid Overdose.

Prescription Drugs

Rx Drug Abuse: Get the Facts

Drug dependency and overdose death rates reaching epidemic proportions in Essex County and thousands more at risk.


Underage Drinking

What every parent needs to know.

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5 Conversation Goals

When talking with your kids about alcohol and other drugs, here are some tips on 5 conversation goals.

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Social Host Law

Questions and answers about the Social Host Law


Marijuana 101

Image by Esteban Lopez

What is the law? How can you prevent use? Everything you need to know!

Marijuana Talk Kit

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What you need to know to talk to your teen about marijuana.

Inpatient Drug Abuse Treatment

Seeking Drug Abuse Treatment 

Know what to ask.

Thank you to our Municipal, Foundation, and Donor Partners

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Thank you to our Corporate Supporters


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Contact Tri-Town Council:

(978) 887-6512 • 7 Grove St., Topsfield, MA 01983

© 2019 by Tri-Town Council. Proudly created by Roback Web Design

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