If you meet Joan Murphy, you will never forget her. For over 20 years, she has been a Transitional Counselor at Masconomet, working with students of all abilities and offering them voice and confidence. Joan was a counselor for TTC back in the 1980s, as well as a driving instructor, mentor, advocate, and social worker. In her "spare" time, she is a tireless volunteer, delivering food and clothing to families throughout Cape Ann. For the last decade, she has coordinated the Holiday Assistance Program with TTC. This year, along with Masco High School Nurse, Karen Trevenen, TTC was able to provide assistance to over 30 families facing pandemic isolation, food insecurity and related issues with the implementation of "The Community Assistance Program" or CAP.
Special thanks to New England Biolabs for their generosity that enabled us to purchase grocery gift cards, critical items, and fuel assistance for families in our community. Additionally: Whitson's Food Services, The Top Cupboard Food Pantry, Christian Angel Smile Foundation, The Essex County Co-op, community volunteers & "Kindness Friday" community donors. The CAP Program will continue to offer services throughout the summer to families in need of assistance.