In PhotoVoice 2023-2024, a team of six middle school boys formed with playful, imaginative energy and a strong interest in the importance of having space and time to connect with each other through creative expression. From photography, video, and digital media, to drawing, painting, music and writing, to dramatic acting, role-playing, games and conversation-- they used multiple creative modes throughout their process.
Threaded throughout our creative journey was themes from TTC's #WhyWePlay campaign, and the value of youth having time when adults step back to allow them freedom to be themselves. Providing this freedom supports the growth, learning and development that happens when we can be truly present in a process—which is the powerful value of play.
The team ultimately created eight collaborative posters, and we created a six-minute video in an effort to capture some of their process. Thank you for taking a look!
We are grateful to our partners at Masconomet Middle School for providing classroom space and support for this program.