A community wide partnership whose focus is to prevent and reduce youth substance use and promote and grow healthy positive youth norms. As a community, we promote open dialogue, education, and coordination of appropriate resources. The Coalition is involved in Open Gym nights, community speakers, youth and parent education, and data collection.

"I think it’s wonderful that the Tri-Town Council, along with the Masconomet Health Advisory Council, helped pull together the Mass Youth-At-Risk Behavior survey last spring. The survey was given to hundreds of kids at the Masco middle and high school and its purpose was to obtain information from the kids regarding their participation in risky behaviors, like; alcohol and drug use; sexual activity; depression; self-injury and nutritional and physical activity levels. The results will help identify strengths and weaknesses in our towns and help guide prevention planning in the schools and the community. Thank you!"

Executive Summaries
2023 Middle School YRBS Survey
2023 YRBS Data Presentation Slides
2021 High School YRBS Cross-tab Addendum
2021 Middle School YRBS Survey
2021 Middle School YRBS Cross-tab Addendum
2021 Coalition Tri-Town Community Covid-19 Survey Results

Our Community Partners Include:
Masconomet Regional School District & Masco School Committee
Tri-Town Elementary School Union & Boxford, Middleton Topsfield School Committees
Town of Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield Police Departments
Topsfield, Boxford and Middleton Fire Departments
Town of Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield Health Departments
Town of Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield Boards of Selectmen
Educators and Administrators within our elementary and middle and high schools
Rotary Club of Topsfield, Boxford and Middleton
Congregational Church of Topsfield
Congregational Church of Middleton
Second Congregational Church of Boxford
Trinity Episcopal Church
Health Professionals
Mental Health Professionals
Parents & Youth from Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield
Tri-Town Council Board of Directors
Concerned Citizens